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American Memorial

The memorial where 22 American aircrew perished when the two B-24 Liberator Bombers collided in mid- air whilst preparing to land at the Flixton Air-Base.

On the 11th April 1945, two B-24 Liberator bomber planes from 706 Squadron 446 Bomber Group USAAF, collided whilst preparing to land at their Flixton base after returning from a mission over Regensburg in Bavaria, South East Germany. 22 Crewmen died in the mid-air collision over Redenhall, near Harleston, Norfolk. There were no survivors.

The 446th Bomb Group, who came to be known as "the Bungay Buckaroos" after the name of their Suffolk base, flew B-24 Liberators on strategic, support and interdictory missions over Europe. The Group led the Eighth Air Force and 2nd Bomb Division on the first heavy bomber mission on D-Day, 6th June 1944, and continued to support the ground forces move eastwards, dropping airborne troops into Wesel, north-west Germany, as part of the advance across the River Rhine.

The two aircraft involved were the B-24 Liberator 42-50790 (The Little King) and B-24 Liberator 42-51909.

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